Physical Therapy
By definition, Physical Therapy is structured, prescribed movements as defined by Physical Therapists (PTs), with the goal to optimize quality of life through specific exercise, hands-on care, and parent/patient education. Therapy patients are taught how to manage their condition, resulting in an improved life, achieving long-term health benefits.
Physical therapy is a profession that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of diagnoses that limit physical function. Many times the child’s ability to perform normal, daily activities are dampened due to a physical handicap or other developmental reasons. Once evaluated, our Therapists will focus on the child’s gross motor movements - such as running, jumping, walking, crawling, and rolling. Our Pediatric Team specializes in developing and restoring a child’s ability to perform basic movements.
Physical Therapy helps children develop functional and gross motor skills, and improves balance, coordination and posture. At Kidspiration, therapeutic equipment is used during treatment. We utilize a wide-variety of resources, including treadmills, therapy balls, bikes, trikes, skates, and specialized swings. Additional therapy modalities include neuromuscular stimulation, ultrasound, serial casting, and therapeutic taping.
Therapy Targets:
Functional Skills - These are basic skills required for daily living - such as getting in/out of bed, bathtub, car, and ascending or descending stairs.
Developmental Delay - Delays in growth, development, or maturation of children due to a variety of causes. Delayed onset of developmental milestones such as sitting, crawling, walking, jumping, and running, poor balance and frequent falling. The inability to keep up with same-age children.
Prevention of Developmental Delay - Early intervention for at-risk children to prevent or lessen delays by facilitation of developmental milestones. Premature, traumatic, multiple births or conditions such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, or Down Syndrome.
Gait Patterns - The coordinated movements and rhythm involved in walking. Falling, loss of balance, abnormal walking patterns, or toe-walking.
Orthotics - Splints, shoe inserts, casts, braces, special shoes, casting and fitting of orthotics onsite with instruction and skin inspection. Flat feet, toe-walking, weakness in legs or feet, or spasticity.
Spasticity - Interference in movement due to involuntary muscle tightness, secondary to damage in the brain. Difficult or uncomfortable movement in any part of the body, muscle spasms, or unwillingness to move body parts.
Equipment Needs - Walkers, positioning & mobility chairs, crutches, standers, specialized car seats, and bath chairs with instruction. Inability to sit, stand, or walk age-appropriately.
Your child’s Physical Therapists are here to provide a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and plan of action to improve strength, range of motion, flexibility, posture, balance, body mechanics, coordination, and endurance. Through professional observation and assessment, we work with parents and guardians to develop a personalized plan that addresses specific needs. Your goals are our goals!